Opinionated Hamiltonians can help name some city snowplows
Published December 5, 2022 at 8:02 pm
The fact that Hamiltonians weigh in on a lot of civic issues creates a possibility for residents to brainstorm better names for a snowplow than Mr. Plow, the Plow King or Plowey McPlowface.
Engage Hamilton is a site the city launched during the early months of COVID-19 to foster dialogue and feedback about public projects, policies, and initiatives. On Monday, it shared the 10 projects that elicited the most ideas and feedback from the public — whilst also reminding residents there is a contest to name a Hamilton snowplow.
First things first: Engage Hamilton says the most pressing and popular topic for resident feedback involves the city’s master plan for parks. The future of the Hamilton Waterfront Trust Centre on the waterfront is the second-most popular subject, and an ongoing Our City survey concerning the efficacy of city services is third. The top 10 are as follows:
- Hamilton Parks Master Plan: This is the guiding document for planning new parks and expanding or sprucing up existing ones in a city that does have less parkspace than it needs for a growing population.
- Discovery Centre Site Strategy Development: In the summer, a survey was held in regard to how the city might develop the site of the former Canadian Marine Discovery Centre.
- Our City Survey: this current survey asks residents how they “feel about living in Hamilton.”
- Locke Street Marker Public Art: The final four for a new piece of artwork on trendy Locke St. in the west downtown.
- Open Streets Temporary Linear Urban Park: The idea of turning a four-kilometre span of King St., from Gage Ave. to Gore Park, into a car-free space one day a week for walking, cycling and rolling.
- Hamilton Farmers’ Market Visioning Exercise: In November, the city asked about examining the future of the 175-ya
- GRIDS 2 and Municipal Comprehensive Review: How the city must plan to meet Ontario’s targets for population and job growth through to the year 2051.
- Improving Online/Digital Services: The city is asking people whether they have difficulty accessing city services online. That survey is open until Friday (Dec. 9).
- E-Cargo Bike Pilot Project: In the spring, opinions were gathered on whether the city should join a provincial pilot that allow people and businesses to use e-bikes to get around.
- Digital Signs: Hamilton is considering removing a ban on digital signs.
Around 50 such community consultations were launched by Engage Hamilton this year.
Name those snowplows
Meantime, Hamilton residents have a chance to name a snowplow.
The transportation operations and maintenance team is holding a Name The Plow contest to name 10 new snow-clearing vehicles. They will pick 20 from names submitted at engage.hamilton.ca.
A release from city emphasized that proposed names be “”fun and family-friendly” The 10 selections will be revealed the week of Jan. 9.
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