Massive gathering of 9,000 for unsanctioned street parties in Hamilton, prompt police action


Published October 1, 2023 at 2:48 pm

Approximately 9,000 people gathered for street party in Hamilton. Several arrested under Nuisance Party Bylaw
Photo via Hamilton Police

Thousands gathered for street parties in Hamilton on Friday, leading to arrests, and provincial offence notices as police stepped up efforts to maintain community safety.

On Friday (Sept. 30) Hamilton Police responded to a series of unsanctioned street parties in the Westdale and Ainslie Woods neighbourhoods.

The collaborative effort involved Hamilton Fire, Hamilton Paramedics, By-law Officers, Parking enforcement officials, and Special Constables from McMaster Security, aiming to ensure the safety of the community and its residents.

According to police, at its peak, approximately 8,000-9,000 people gathered in the Westdale and Ainslie Woods neighborhoods, leading to 49 calls for service, five arrests, and the issuance of 10 provincial offence notices.

Superintendent Dave Hennick of Hamilton Police emphasized the importance of collective responsibility in ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

The Hamilton Paramedic Service also responded to 10 calls for service, transporting two individuals for public intoxication.

The City of Hamilton recently enacted a Nuisance Party Bylaw to address large unsanctioned gatherings causing public nuisance.

Hosting, attending, permitting, continuing, or refusing to leave such gatherings contravenes the bylaw. As a result of the incident, five individuals faced charges under the Nuisance Party By-law.

Dan Smith, Acting Director of Licensing and Bylaw Services, commended the planning and collaboration between the City, Hamilton Police Service, and McMaster University, highlighting the effectiveness of the Nuisance Party By-law in managing crowds and maintaining community safety.

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