Latest phone scam in Hamilton showcases OPP on call display


Published November 19, 2019 at 8:02 pm

In recent months, phone call scams have been on the rise in Canada.

In recent months, phone call scams have been on the rise in Canada.

The latest scam, which is currently directly affecting Ontario residents, was just announced stating that scammers are now able to program call displays to read “Ontario Provincial Police.”

“Scammers are programming call displays to say ‘Ontario Provincial Police’ as a #Fraud tactic. If you receive a call like this, hang up. Never provide personal information including ID numbers, passwords or financial info,” said OPP.

The call, if answered, is an automated voice that threatens legal action against the victim and tells them that they must immediately “press 1” to speak with an officer.

The automated voice also warns the victim that ignoring it is an “intentional attempt to avoid initial appearances before the majestry, judge or jury.”

The video posted by OPP states that over 100,000 people in Canada have been victims of fraud in 2018.

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